Tag: Sunday School



Everyone has experienced a bad day at one point or the other in life. This is a moment in life when things are not going in our favour or to our satisfaction. It can be a moment when we are hurt by the attitude of another towards us, or when we make a terrible mistake. In this study, we shall look at Martha when she was having a bad day and draw some important lessons from her story.


Martha was a very good friend of Jesus Christ, whom she trusted and respected so much (Luke 11: 27). She also enjoyed good relationship with her brother (Lazarus) and her sister (Mary). The trio of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus have had beautiful moments with Jesus Christ. They were best of friends.


During Jesus’ closing ministry in Palestine, He traveled with His disciples and entered a certain village, Bethany, and were welcomed by Martha into her home (Luke 10: 38). Her sister Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to His words (Luke 10: 39). Of course, Mary was accustomed to being at Jesus’ feet (John 11: 32; 12: 3). Luke 10: 40 records Martha having a bad day: “But Martha was cumbered about much serving (KJV).” “But Martha was distracted with all her preparations (NASB).” The Greek verb translated “cumbered” or “distracted” means “allowed her attention to wander.” She had so much on her hands to fully demonstrate her hospitality. She expected her sister to assist her. But Mary had another thing that got her attention.

Martha was frustrated and took it to Jesus. She said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me” (Luke 10: 40). We’ve had this feeling several times, when nothing seems to work out the way we planned. If we are not careful we may fall into the trap of Martha, blaming others for our frustrations. Imagine Martha asking Jesus “Do You not care…?” She was not only rebuking Mary, she was also rebuking Christ. Whatever happened that day to make matters bad for Martha, she was taking it the wrong way. Taking things the wrong way will always cause us more problems.


And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10: 41, 42). It is clear in John 11: 5 that Jesus loved Martha, but now she needs a little schooling. Martha was worrying over unimportant things, while Mary chose the important thing that is needed: the spiritual; the eternal. Mary was more concerned about spiritual food than physical food. Many times we get upset about things that are temporary, and even go ahead to destroy relationships which God meant to last. As parents, we sometimes spend time accumulating material things for our children and deny them one thing that is necessary, which is love for God.


Bad days may turn to be good when we learn from them and become strengthened as a result. God can use such days to teach us some lessons and build us up. For instance:

  1. We must know that everyone does have a bad day. The prophets of old, the apostles, and the early Christians all had their bad days. It is not unusual to experience a bad day. What you make out of it is what is important.
  2. Resist the temptation to blame others for your bad day. Martha blamed Mary and Jesus. Do not allow your bad experience ruin your genuine relationships.
  3. Know that the way we react to what happens to us has consequences. A bad day may get worse when we react negatively to what happens to us. Martha blamed Jesus and got rebuked by Christ.
  4. A bad day may serve to teach us about what is really important in life. So, don’t let it destroy your happiness and ruin your relationships. Bad days can become good days if we learn from what happens to us.


Prioritizing spiritual matters can transform what we perceive as a bad day into a good one. Let’s emulate Mary, dedicating time to sit at Jesus’ feet, learn from Him, and align our actions with His teachings for a fulfilling day.